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Episode 41:

Igniting your Inner Brilliance with Allera Dawn

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Episode 41 Description

Allera Dawn is a life and business coach, business expert, and podcaster who works with clients who are seeking deep healing and transformation. Allera is also a change maker and an activist. Today, she sits down with Christine and opens up about her own spiritual journey, the importance of claiming your worth, and how to truly heal through deep inner work and discovering the hidden power of “diamonds” in your life. Allera openly offers her experience and wisdom in this episode of Yes! We Rise. Welcome!

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Key takeaways

Claiming our worth and discovering our diamonds

Allera Dawn is a life and business spiritual coach, business expert, podcaster, and change maker. But getting to where she is today took a tremendous amount of inner energy work. Allera grew up in a difficult and unsafe home environment. Her dad controlled the money, which also meant she was controlled.

At 15, she sought out her first job, which built her confidence and gave her choice. Allera worked hard, found a place to live, and just one month after turning 18, left home without turning back. She now sees how her trauma (in the midst of being terrible), also held breadcrumbs for healing and overcoming alcoholism. Today, she uses her own healing gift to help others.

Allera also discovered the power of diamonds. These are the people we meet along our paths that hold a frequency and energy of kindness and support. Not only do these people come into our lives, but Allera has learned that we each carry that powerful diamond frequency within ourselves. 

At not even 19, Allera was offered a position at JPMorgan. During her final interview for the position, an eclipse was happening. Halfway through the interview, they all went outside to see the black sky. This was yet another moment of meeting diamonds!

After a couple of years, she moved from New York back to London. She was one of few women working in the trade market in the late 2000’s, and began looking into options available to her, ultimately receiving job offers from two global investment banks. She negotiated them against one another to get what she knew she was worth all along. 

Endless possibilities are available to all of us when we know and demand what we’re worth.

From healing self to helping others

During her twenties, Allera was in a long-term relationship, later becoming engaged. Just six months prior to the wedding, she was awoken during the night with a foreshadow of her future. Allera canceled the wedding, thereby ending the relationship, and began her healing journey. 

With few supports in her life, Allera was referred to a cognitive analytical therapist who met with her twice weekly for a year. Allera felt seen and heard, and through her hard work, she completely transformed her life.

Hoping to help others find healing like she did, Allera returned to university to study therapy. She received training in Gestalt therapy, and later clinical hypnotherapy. Before she could settle back into an old way of life, her soul and intuition kicked in to tell her that she was called to do bigger work.

Allera put together her first online healing program, condensing all of the clinical and healing work she had done. Allera views healing and transformation as an evolutionary suite with three stages. First you wake up. Then you grow up. Finally you can show up.

Wake Up: This is about setting strong foundations, shifting how a person holds old stories and doing alchemy work. In trauma or PTSD we often disconnect from ourselves, so in this stage, Allera helps folks reconnect to their body and ground in. 

Grow Up: Allera created a program called The Soul Architects Series. This is for the next level of transformation, and is done through one-on-one coaching. In this program, Allera helps reset the foundation of each area of their life. She taps in on many levels with her client and helps reveal blind spots.

Show Up: This focuses on transferring personal work to community connection. Allera offers her Luminary Leadership Series to help clients show up for others fully by owning  unapologetically all of who they are.

Overcoming resistance through keeping bigger vision

To do any deep healing work, it is important to know that you are safe and to root into your “why”. 

It is completely normal to resist moving in the direction of your bigger vision because of the challenges that change brings. When we push back against what we’re called to, we are in a constant fight with ourselves, which can become draining and exhausting.

Sometimes a person needs to reach that low place in order to finally step into something new and seek the help they need to heal and beautifully transform.

Allera has learned instead of resisting, to tolerate the discomfort through her “why”. She leans in further to the healing work through knowing her bigger vision. What is your bigger vision and purpose?

When we keep our vision and purpose at the forefront of our minds, we can overcome the discomfort and pain that comes with healing.

Notable quotes from Allera

“What I recognize is not only was the trauma the breadcrumbs for me to heal, overcome alcoholism, and then switch on some kind of healing gift, which I now help my communities with, but I also orchestrated diamonds.”

“I believe that we have the potential to compress time around our healing and what we do and I think that is so powerful. It’s like we choose, rather than following an old timeline, we choose.” 

“We’re constantly evolving. And it’s never going to be 100% easy to just lean into our next level, ever. We need to know that we go through these birthing cycles, and energetically that means going into the deeper, darker, traumatic stuff that holds the lower frequencies, where there is gold on the other side.”

“If I’m in a real struggle mode, if I’m feeling overwhelmed, and my nervous system is triggered, I take a step back. My priority is to reset, realign because I cannot be of service. I cannot do anything with the right energetic intention.”


Discover more about Allera and her powerful work through her website, LinkedIn, and on Facebook.

Learn about her Twin Flame Online Healing Program. You can also schedule a Discovery Call to take part in one of her other programs!

You can also check out Allera’s Overwhelm To Empowered Program, a four day energy upgrade!


The Yes! We Rise podcast features solutions-seekers, change-makers, and those creating a resilient future. We share stories and strategies to inspire action to build resilience and community transformation. To create change, people need to feel like they belong and that they are part of a growing movement. They need to know their voice matters and that they have the inspiration, agency and ability to transform their lives and their communities. They are the key to a resilient future.

From the Navajo Nation to the mountains of Appalachia, incredible work is being done by community members and leaders. Change is often sparked by inspiration: seeing what others have done, especially in similar situations and places. People see that when someone looks like them or lives in a place like theirs, and has created real, true and lasting change, change that will allow their granddaughters and grandsons to thrive — they begin to imagine what might be possible for them. No longer waiting for someone else to come and save them, they realize they are the ones they have been waiting for. But what creates that spark? What creates that inspiration? Learning through stories and examples, feeling a sense of agency and belonging, and getting fired up to kick ass creates that spark.

We Rise helps community leaders and members learn to forge a new path toward creating resilience and true transformation. One person at a time, one community at a time, one region at a time, the quilt of transformation can grow piece by piece until resilience becomes the norm instead of the exception. Together, we rise.

Links/resources mentioned

Discover more about Allera and her powerful work through her website, LinkedIn, and on Facebook.

Learn about her Twin Flame Online Healing Program. You can also schedule a Discovery Call to take part in one of her other programs!

You can also check out Allera’s Overwhelm To Empowered Program, a four day energy upgrade!


The Yes! We Rise is produced by Dialogue + Design Associates, Podcasting For Creatives, with music by Drishti Beats.

Follow Yes! We Rise on Facebook and Instagram.

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The Yes! We Rise podcast features solutions-seekers, change-makers, and those creating a resilient future. We share stories and strategies to inspire action to build resilience and community transformation. To create change, people need to feel like they belong and that they are part of a growing movement. They need to know their voice matters and that they have the inspiration, agency and ability to transform their lives and their communities. They are the key to a resilient future.

From the Navajo Nation to the mountains of Appalachia, incredible work is being done by community members and leaders. Change is often sparked by inspiration: seeing what others have done, especially in similar situations and places. People see that when someone looks like them or lives in a place like theirs, and has created real, true and lasting change, change that will allow their granddaughters and grandsons to thrive — they begin to imagine what might be possible for them. No longer waiting for someone else to come and save them, they realize they are the ones they have been waiting for. But what creates that spark? What creates that inspiration? Learning through stories and examples, feeling a sense of agency and belonging, and getting fired up to kick ass creates that spark.

We Rise helps community leaders and members learn to forge a new path toward creating resilience and true transformation. One person at a time, one community at a time, one region at a time, the quilt of transformation can grow piece by piece until resilience becomes the norm instead of the exception. Together, we rise.