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Karolina Rzadkowolska

Episode 22:

Growing Freedom Within, The Power of Being Alcohol-Free with Karolina Rzadkowolska

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Episode 22 Description

Happy New Year!

As we begin 2022, Christine is thrilled to bring author and alcohol-free life coach, Karolina Rzadkowolska to share her expertise and passion for creating an alcohol-free life! Hear Karolina’s journey of becoming the best version of herself, learn the mental and physical benefits of taking a break from alcohol, and feel empowered to transform your life. In the face of a society that normalizes drinking, it is an act of resilience and rebellion to choose differently, to choose you! Imagine what you could unlock in your own life! Welcome to the We Rise Podcast.

Karolina’s new book Euphoric: Ditch Alcohol and Gain a Happier, More Confident You, made bestseller status on Amazon and is now available for purchase!

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Episode 22 Show Notes

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Key takeaways

Stepping off of the merry-go-round

What does it mean to believe in yourself? Before being alcohol-free, Karolina was on a constant cycle of letting herself down. During the week she would be disciplined and diligent about caring for her mental and physical health, but every weekend she would find herself out drinking or having a Netflix and wine night. Monday morning would come and she felt as though she had taken five steps backward.

She made the decision to participate in Dry January, meaning for the entire first month of the year she abstained from alcohol. When February approached, she returned to drinking and very quickly noticed the extreme contrast between her life as a drinker and a non-drinker.

From there, Karolina made the choice to take another break from alcohol. With a firm boundary of not drinking, it created a beautiful sense of empowerment she hadn’t experienced before.

As her confidence grew, it also led to Karolina conquering so many limiting beliefs she didn’t even realize she was holding on to. Instead of counting herself out of her lifelong dreams, she began to ask a different question.

“Why not me?”

Removing alcohol from her life allowed Karolina to finally listen to her intuition in a way she never had, leading to the creation of her coaching business, Euphoric Alcohol-Free, and the recent release of her first book, Euphoric: Ditch Alcohol and Gain a Happier, More Confident You

The feminism of being alcohol-free

Being alcohol-free in a society that promotes and encourages drinking as normal, everyday behavior is an act of rebellion. In many ways it can actually be seen as a feminist act as women are generally underpaid and overworked in comparison to men. Alcohol is often glamorized as a way to take the edge off and numb out. Karolina believes a woman choosing to give up alcohol is a stance of protest. It not only leads to a more fulfilling life, but challenges an industry that works to keep women small.

The impact of alcohol is both emotional and physiological. Karolina explains that just 5 weeks of being alcohol-free will reduce your blood cholesterol, blood pressure, cancer markers, liver fat, and grow grey matter in your brain. She notes that these benefits are incredible!

Without alcohol, people experience improved sleep, better focus, and a brighter mood. That said, there is an adjustment period. In the beginning weeks, it is common to experience the raw emotions and feelings that drinking numbed out. This period of time can be very vulnerable, and finding support and community is helpful. 

To help embrace the process and transformation, Karolina stresses that people remember that they are choosing to take a break from alcohol and get to know themselves in a new way. Karolina strongly encourages journaling through this process. Writing down fears and feelings and putting them on paper can allow people to get distance from them and release their power.

As people embark on the alcohol-free journey, Karolina also encourages going through this process with a partner, friend, or a group. She offers some amazing groups to help set women up for success and to become the best version of themselves. Personal transformation and challenging a societal norm is much easier when a person is supported and encouraged by others on the same path!

It’s not about a beverage

Karolina’s passion is not simply about eliminating a drink from your life. What gets her excited is how letting go of something that doesn’t serve you creates space. This space lets you welcome in what you’re supposed to do next – that big, beautiful next chapter.

The alcohol-free movement has been growing exponentially over the years and it’s turned into a wellness revolution. From dry bars, to alcohol-free bottle shops, to creative mocktail menus at restaurants, society is slowly changing. Karolina imagines a world where it will be unquestioned if a person orders a mocktail or has decided to cut alcohol out of their life.

Deeper than this though is the joy she finds in seeing others live vibrant, flourishing lives as they go alcohol-free, and begin a journey of personal growth. Through her coaching work, she regularly witnesses women accomplishing things beyond what they thought was possible. As this happens on an individual level, the result will inevitably grow to a societal level.

The best advice Karolina has to offer is to “take the leap of faith!” Alcohol tricks our minds into thinking we are happy by manipulating our dopamine. Karolina challenges us all into something bigger:

“What really makes you happy?” 

“What really gives you pleasure?”

“What really is fun for you?” 

What if we all had the courage to explore these questions, without allowing a beverage to influence our thinking? Imagine the potential and the possibilities that could open up!

notable quotes from Karolina

“When we rise and overcome our challenges, we’re then able to turn around and help the woman behind us. And it is such a fierce, powerful empowerment and resiliency that happens.” 

“Just remember, this isn’t embarrassing. This is probably the most empowering thing you could do.”

“What I think is really beautiful is when you let go of something that doesn’t serve you, you create space. You welcome in the thing that you’re supposed to do next.”

Euphoric Book

Links/resources mentioned

Discover more on the powerful work that Karolina does by checking out her website: Euphoric Alcohol-Free. You can also follow and subscribe to her Facebook and Instagram.

Karolina has just released her first book, Euphoric: Ditch Alcohol and Gain a Happier, More Confident You, available for purchase now. 

Learn more about the alcohol-free lifestyle from Karolina on Euphoric The Podcast. 


The Yes! We Rise podcast is produced by Dialogue + Design Associates, Podcasting For Creatives, with music by Drishti Beats.

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